Resmercial Specialist
AJGCRE INC.AJ George Commercial
Commercial Broker License - 02052387

About Us
real estate Experts
Twenty two years of experience. Investment Sales 1031 Exchange Leasing Listings Representation of buyers and sellers of commercial owner users and investment in and around San Diego Central, Point Loma / Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, and North and South county Coastal. Sales to include many dual zoning, mixed-use, and Resimercial type properties with upside density and land development potential. Commercial leasing and purchase Let's talk about building your investment property portfolio.
Contact Us
[email protected]
1-858-598-3589 / 1-858-688-4443
3646 Midway Drive San Diego, CA 92110
4741 Point Loma Ave #101 San Diego CA 92107
Commercial Broker License -02052387